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Tips for Stress Free Bachelorette Party

June 14, 2023 2 min read

Tips for Stress Free Bachelorette Party

Yikes! You're in charge of planning the bachelorette party! Whether you have no time to plan or don't know where to begin, there's a lot of stress involved. Below are some of the most common issues when planning a bachelorette party and how to get through them.

The Bride Has Specific Requirements

Whether you like the same things or not, the party is about the bride. Listen to her ideas and incorporate what you can into the party. If you or other attendees have a concern about something the bride wants, talk to her openly and offer alternative suggestions.

We Can't Afford a Bachelorette Party

Just because you're having a bachelorette party doesn't mean you have to book a trip to Cabo! Bachelorette parties often come at a time when bridesmaids have already had to purchase a bridesmaid dress, gifts for the wedding, and other supplies. Don't stress about an added cost! Host a delicious dinner at your home and have other party members bring parts of the menu. Or host a nostalgic slumber party complete with the old games and movies you used to play and watch in junior high and high school! If one or two members of the party can't afford a party and others are a bit more affluent, privately discuss if someone can help her pick up her share of the bill so everyone can have a good time. You can also check out the $1.00 bachelorette supplies section at the House of bachelorette! And check out our articles on Ways to Save Big on your Bachelorette Party and our Top 10 Bachelorette Party Freebies!

I Don't Know How To Plan a Party

Take a look at the House of Bachelorette's Party Planning Checklist. It will help you create an initial timeline of everything that needs to get done before the party. Print out the checklist and then put the various tasks into your calendar. Follow the checklist and you'll throw a great event! Still concerned? Ask another friend or bridesmaid to help with the planning!

I Have No Good Ideas for a Bachelorette Party

Use the internet to help you find some good ideas for your party. Google "Bachelorette Party" and the name of your city, or ask your friends on Facebook what they've done for bachelorette parties in the past. Still no good ideas? Get inspired with The House of Bachelorette's 101 Bachelorette Party Ideas list!

The Party Attendees Don't Get Along

Is there drama among the party attendees? Hold the party in a large, public environment so frenemies don't have to be close to each other all night. A dance club is a great place for this! You can also split the party into smaller groups for a scavenger hunt, or plan for a long dinner show or event to keep people focused on the stage and not each other! If it will be a huge problem, talk to the bride or frenemies beforehand and ask them what they would suggest.

Phew! Just take a deep breath and get back to planning. Remember: This party is supposed to be fun and lighthearted. Make sure you're having a good time too!

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