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Why You MUST Include the GROOM in the Bachelorette Party!

June 15, 2023 2 min read

why you must include the Groom in the bachelorette party

Sure…the Groom has the Bachelor party to add to his wedding fun…but he can also have a great time playing an important roll in the bachelorette party! Check out the ideas below!

A Role in the Bachelorette Games

He can give you great info for the Bachelorette Party Games. The Groom is a wealth of information for your Bachelorette Party Games! Collect the following types of information from him:

    • Take a picture of the grooms chest or other body part (without the face) and take pictures of the same body part on other men…then make the bride pick him out of the line-up. If she gets it wrong give her a punishment (like drinking a shot) if she gets it right give her a prize (like making one of the bachelorettes take a shot)! Try this same game, but have the bride pick a pair of the grooms boxers out of the line-up of underwear!
    • Play a trivia game where the bride has to guess how the Groom answered certain questions (like: what is the grooms favorite flavor of ice-cream). Give her a prize if she get’s the questions right…or a penalty if she answers wrong! Check out our Groom Quiz here.
    • He can thrill the bride by making an appearance at Bachelorette Party! Really SHOCK the bride by sneaking him in at JUST the right moment (like when she is dancing on the bar!) or have him make an announcement about the bride from the DJ booth at a club!

    A Romantic Moment

    The Bride and Groom-to-Be can have a much needed romantic moment together. Surprise the Bride at the end of bachelorette party by putting her in a limo filled with rose petals and her groom…or give her a romantic note, written by the groom at the end of the night that directs her to a romantic place where than can be alone. This might be the romantic break the couple needs after all the hectic Wedding preparations they have been working on.


    Have a Coed Bachelorette Party

    You can have a Bachelor/Bachelorette Party Combo. Tony Parker and Eva Longoria did just that…they had a combined party on a beautiful boat. Check out the ideas below for your combined Bachelor/Bachelorette Party:

      • Bachelor/Bachelorette Bowling, golf, volleyball or softball Tournament: Pit the guys vs. the girls and a GREAT time! 
      • Bachelor/Bachelorette BBQ or cook-off– Relax in the great outdoors!
      • Bachelor/Bachelorette Beach Party – Complete with bonfire after dark!
      • Bachelorette/Bachelor Ski Weekend – Lots of hot-tubbing and drinks by the fireplace!


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