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Bachelorette Party Dupes

June 15, 2023 2 min read

Bachelorette Party Dupes

Throwing an amazing bachelorette party does NOT have to cost a fortune. There are tons of ways to get around dropping lots of cash on the party. And luckily for you, the low cost doesn’t sacrifice any of the fun! First, we suggest you check us out for party supplies deals (yes, we’re biased, but we truly do pride ourselves on great prices. PLUS, we always have promos and specials running.) for the best bachelorette party supplies and gear at a super low cost. However, there are some aspects of party planning that still seem to just cost too much. So, we’re here with some “dupes”, or super budget-friendly alternatives, to bachelorette party must-haves! Forget your bachelorette budget woes, we’re here to help with “Bachelorette Party Dupes”!



Splurge: A destination bachelorette party, hotels, private rooms, expensive bars/clubs, etc.

Save: Exploring locally, a vacation home rental, your house, the outdoors (parks, beaches, campgrounds, etc.).

TIP:If you know how to decorate (ahem, DIY’s and Pinterest), you can literally turn anywhere into the perfect bachelorette party location. The details will be your BFFs when saving on the venue. Look for inexpensive but effective decorations like balloons, banners, and confetti!

Food & Drink

Splurge: Eating out at expensive restaurants, catering, buying drinks from bars and clubs, etc.

Save: At-home cooking parties, ordering pizza (sleepover vibes for the win), packing a picnic, pre-gaming at home (buying your own alcohol is way cheaper than buying drinks), buying alcohol at cheaper stores (Trader Joe’s, Target, and Costco are great options)!

TIP:Get an app like Venmo or Splitwise to easily split the cost of food or drinks with others!


Splurge: Traveling, hiring entertainment, concerts and festivals, going to a strip club or bar, “excursions” like zip lining or skydiving, etc.

Save: Hiking, hanging out on the beach, camping, taking a class, hosting a game night, karaoke night, or volunteering!


TIP: Check out Groupon for really great deals on activities and events. These can save you a ton and make expensive options super accessible.


Party Favors / Gift Sets

Splurge: Premade gift sets, purchasing high-end favors, keepsakes, etc.

Save:Putting together your own “gift set” (the same stuff can cost much less to buy individually and personally assemble) and DIY gifts (which have a more personal feel, anyway).

TIP:You can have your bachelorette party favors do double duty! Like mini bottles of alcohol, they can drink that night, cute or funny accessories for a photo booth, etc.



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