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Bachelorette Party Guessing Game Kit

Product Features:

  • Bachelorette Party Guessing Game Kit
  • Quantity: One (1) Kit - Twenty-Five (25) Cards; One (1) 3" Notepad; One (1) 3.5" Sand Timer
  • Makes a great Bridal Shower Game!
Create fun for your bachelorette party or bridal shower with this Guessing Game Kit. The kit comes with twenty-five different cards the guests have to guess, one notepad and one sand timer. Divide into two or more teams and have someone verbally or act out the clue for their team to guess. Try to guess as many right answers within 60 seconds, which you can time with the provided sand timer. Once the 60 seconds are up the next team goes. Whichever team has the most correct guesses at the end wins! Make sure to provide fun prizes for the winners or spice up the game be drinking when someone guesses wrong. The perfect ice breaker game to play at the party.